Profile Photo (Michael Hutchinson)Offline

    TV coverage of a bike race can leave you with a strange impression of a country

    I have a friend, let’s call him Ronald, who went on holiday to Sweden with his family this summer.  “Why Sweden?” I asked. “Because I’ve never watched a Swedish bike race,” he said. “So I didn’t arrive with a warped, wrong view of the place.” Multiple national champion on the bike and award-winning author Michael […]

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    Strava activities are the only way I know some of my friends are still alive

    The Box Hill Stava KoM was broken recently, twice. First by Rory Townsend from the Q36.5 team, followed shortly afterwards by Dom Jackson from Foran CCC. Michael Hutchinson is a writer, journalist and former professional cyclist. As a rider he won multiple national titles in both Britain and Ireland and competed at the World Championships […]

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    Handing out advice to a stranger is the last word in power without responsibility

    Someone recently asked me what advice I’d have for a young rider hoping to make a career in pro cycling. It is not the first time such a thing has happened. It’s understandable that anyone would read my weekly shtick of grumbling, bitching and general misanthropy and think, “Yes. I’d like my child to grow […]

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    Sport is a multi-billion pound industry designed to achieve a pile of things that don’t actually need doing

    To celebrate 10 years since I last rode the National 10-Mile Time Trial Championships, I entered the National 10-Mile Time Trial Championships. Quite a lot of people, some of them quite close to me, have asked me, “Why?” and asked in a tone that I don’t find altogether flattering. But I can understand the question. […]

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